quebec - montreal

Michael Deschambault - Business Development Manager


6600, route Transcanadienne, bureau 420
Pointe-Claire, Quebec H9R 4S2

Phone: 888.694.8721
FAX: 514.694.4411

Serving Southern Quebec, Montreal is also home to one of J D Factors four North American Operations Centers. Contact Michael today to learn more about how J D Factors can help your business succeed.


factoring made easy

Submit Your Invoices

1. Send Us Your Invoices

Complete your job or order and submit your invoices to J D Factors.

We Verify and Process

2. Invoices are Processed

Your invoices are verified then sent to your customers.

Cash Within 24 Hours

3. You Get Paid

Cash is deposited into your bank account within 24 hours.

Want to Learn More?

We're here to answer any questions you have, online or on the phone. Call us toll free at 1.866.585.2274 or click below to get in touch with a Factoring Specialist.

Contact Us

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